Guru Siyag's Yoga

The practice of GSY involves chanting (mental repetition) of a divine mantra and meditation. Guru Siyag initiates a seeker into GSY as his disciple by giving him/her a mantra — a divine word — to chant silently round-the-clock and also teaches a method of meditation. The chanting (Japa) of the mantra becomes involuntary when it is repeated constantly over a certain period of time. This, however, depends directly on the degree of intensity, faith and sincerity with which the chanting is done. In some cases the chanting becomes involuntary after just over a week of practice while in some other cases it takes a fortnight or even a few months. Besides chanting of the mantra, the disciple is also required to meditate for 15 minutes each, two to three times a day.

The meditation and chanting together awaken the dormant Kundalini, an energy force in the practitioner’s body, which induces involuntary yoga Asanakriya, bandhpranayam and  mudra.

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