Guru Siyag's Yoga

The mind is in a constant state of turmoil. Hundreds of thoughts rush through the mind no matter how hard one tries to still it. The harder the practitioner tries to control the mind, the more thoughts the mind produces, and that too with a vengeance. Just as the stomach’s job is to digest food, the mind’s job is to think. To ask it to stop thinking is akin to asking the stomach to stop digesting for a little while. Then how does one quiet the mind enough to meditate? Guru Siyag suggests that when the practitioner chants the mantra, the Guru “arrests” the mind. This means that when the mantra is chanted, the mind latches on to the rhythm and vibrations of the Japa and suspends thought for a while. This process can be understood with the following example: Say a glass of water has dirt in it which obscures the clarity of the water. The surest and fastest way of clearing the water is to let the water to sit for a while and allow the dirt to settle. Much in the same way, Japa allows the mind to settle down enough for the practitioner to meditate in quietude. When the mantra is chanted all day long while going about routine activities and chores like eating, bathing, driving, walking etc. the mind gradually grows quieter.

Guru Siyag says, “The entire universe is within you. So, the solution to all your problems exists within you as well.” By chanting the mantra mentally (as opposed to out loud or in a whisper) at all times, the disciple consciously forges a connection to the Guru within. Moreover, if a mantra has to be chanted out loud or in a whisper, the practitioner has to set aside specific times of the day to do so. Some Japa practices also require the practitioner to perform rituals along with the verbal chanting. Guru Siyag’s mantra’s mental Japa on the other hand can be done round-the-clock without interrupting one’s routine or scheduling in time for the practice. Through mental Japa the disciple is constantly aware of the divine’s presence within.  In the light of this, mental Japa is the most easy, effective and effortless method of realizing the self.

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