Guru Siyag's Yoga

Medical science treats stress with addictive medication (sedatives, sleeping pills, inhibitors etc.) that are seldom able to cure a patient. GSY also views intoxication as treatment but it is a kind of intoxicating Änanda (joy or bliss) brought on by regular chanting of Guru Siyag’s divine mantra. Sages have referred to this divine bliss as “intoxication without drugs.” The Änanda frees a practitioner from stress and stress-related illnesses such as depression, hypertension, insomnia, phobias etc. in a matter of days. Below, Guru Siyag explains this process in detail:

“All over the world, 80 per cent of diseases are caused by stress. Kali Yuga has cast a Tamasic (negative, dark, dull, inert) pall over mankind. Whether they are rich or poor, people are constantly under immense stress. Medical science is not able to treat stress. They only prescribe sedatives to calm the nerves. Senses are lulled and stress seems to abate until the effect of the drug lasts. Once the intoxicating effect of the sedative wears off, stress and related diseases are back. For further queries email or call (+91)8369754399

Even we (Siddha Yoga philosophy) believe that stress should be treated by intoxication. But the intoxication should not be caused by matter but by spirit. In Siddha Yoga, intoxication is induced by chanting the name of God (chanting mantra).

“Chanting the name of God brings about an intoxicating joy.
It is a fact that this joy can be experienced by chanting God’s name. Indian mystics and saints such as Guru Nanak have referred to this joy as “naam khumari” (intoxication by chanting). Guru Nanak has said that intoxication by drugs wears off the next morning but intoxication by chanting never wears off. Another Indian saint, Kabir, has said that intoxication by chanting does not wear off. Instead, the intoxicating joy it gives grows every day. The mantra that I give is has the divine power of Radha and Krishna.

“Krishna was the ninth and complete avatar (incarnation). One more avatar is yet to come – Kalki. There is a lot of debate around the world whether Kalki has arrived or not. A lot of people claim they are Kalki. The one who is accepted on a universal level will be proclaimed as the Kalki Avatar. So, chanting God’s name brings about an intoxicating joy. In the Bhagwat Geeta, Lord Sri Krishna has referred to this as ‘Ananda’ (joy or bliss). There are five shloka (poetic verse) in the Geeta about this: The 21st shloka in the fifth chapter and four shloka from the sixth chapter — 15, 21, 27, 28. He has referred to ‘Ananda’ in several ways: divine ananda, ananda that transcends the senses and ananda produced by meditation on God. Until man experiences this ‘Ananda’ (joy or bliss), he is not able to differentiate between sukh (happiness) and ananda (joy or bliss).

“As long as a person has wealth, a great car, a house and family, he is happy. But if even a single item is taken away, his happiness is destroyed. So if this material happiness is true happiness then how is it so easily destroyed? This little girl here is sitting and playing, and is enjoying herself. She is not interested in what I am saying, and so finds no happiness here. When she is 20-25 years old, she will find happiness in something else. When she is about 70-80 years old like me, then she will find happiness in something completely different.
So this ‘happiness’ that people pursue, is one produced by the senses. It is not ‘Ananda’ (joy or bliss).

“‘Ananda’ is Akshay (indestructible). It is not ‘Kshsay’ (destructible).
It is like Kabir said, “The intoxicating joy chanting God’s name gives, grows every day.” Chanting the mantra I give, will give you ‘Ananda’ (Joy or bliss). The ‘Ananda’ in turn relieves you completely from stress. The ‘Ananda’ stays with you night and day, and frees you from stress and related illnesses. And without the consumption of medication. Doctors of materials science find this very hard to believe.
I have advised the West to not concentrate on matter alone but also include the ‘spirit’. Matter plus spirit will spell the end of all kinds of diseases.”

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