Guru Siyag's Yoga

It is said that awakening the Kundalini in this Kali Yuga (age of falsehood) is almost impossible. One has to go to the Himalayas or some secluded place and serve a Guru for many years to get one’s Kundalini awakened. Is this true?

It is a myth that it takes several years or decades for a Guru to awaken his disciple’s Kundalini, and that they both have to retreat to the hills or go in to isolation. Guru Siyag dismisses this myth, saying “Kundalini awakening is not a figment of someone’s imagination. I am aware that some people do employ imagination when dealing with yogic philosophy because they lack real experience of Yoga. Some Gurus even go the extent of saying that the Kundalini can be awakened if the seeker practices Yoga for 20 years! To this, I say, ‘Is there any guarantee that both the Guru and his disciple will live for 20 years? Why slog for 20 years for something that can be achieved today? Why not attain consciousness here and now? This talk about 20 years is nothing but pure hassle; nothing is to be gained from it. It takes only a moment to awaken the Kundalini if the Guru is a follower of the path of truth and is empowered spiritually to do so.” These kinds of myths have been propagated by Gurus who don’t have any kind of realized ability but are simply cashing in on the mystery that shrouds Kundalini awakening. Not all Gurus are empowered to awaken this Shakti, and since Siddha Gurus are rare, these fake masters have used the scarcity of information on Kundalini awakening in their favor to advance theories that make them seem all-powerful.

Though a Siddha Guru may seem ordinary in appearance, he is an extraordinary, transformed being. He has realized himself and reached the pinnacle of evolution, and has been bestowed with the ability to awaken the Kundalini of seekers. Such a Guru is in an eternal state of Chaitanya (pure consciousness), and thus becomes the conduit for the flowering of consciousness in others.

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