Guru Siyag's Yoga

When the Kundalini is awakened, she activates and energizes the entire network of Nadis and Chakras, and it starts pulsating with divine energy like a large electrical circuit.

The awakened Kundalini begins to rise up slowly through Sushumana and passes through all the six chakras one by one as the disciple practices mantra-meditation regularly. For the Kundalini to rise up freely, her passage through Sushumana must be clear. However, if the practitioner has any impurity in his body in the form of any physical or mental disease, addiction or the burden of his past Karma, Kundalini’s passage is blocked. Since Kundalini is a divine force who knows the innermost secrets of the practitioner’s body and his past, present and future, she clears these impurities as she rises up. She cleanses the practitioner’s being by inducing yogic kriyas and movements. The kriyas energize and rejuvenate those limbs and organs in the body that are affected by diseases, impurities or addictions and also remove any blockages created by stress. On a more subtle level, the Shakti helps the practitioner strip away the layers of conditioning or Samskar as  gathered over many lives so that his real Self is revealed to him.

After passing through the last chakra at the throat, Kundalini enters the Ajnachakra. This is the final gate from where she climbs up and meets her male counterpart, Shiva, in Sahasrara. When Kundalini unites with Shiva, her journey in the human body is complete. This leads to the practitioner’s attaining Atmajnana — self-realization. He then understands that he is not just a physical body but part of Brahman — the vast, supreme, limitless, eternal consciousness which is called God. This realization frees him from the unending cycle of life and death and leads him to Moksha.

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